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January 30, 2006

Javascript links

Mentioning Bloglines in my last post has reminded me of a current problem I'm having with lots of websites. A lot of the links are embedded Javascript, e.g. a link which refers to "javascript:doLoadFolder(16400962,24)". This is irritating in the extreme, for one reason: I can't load the page in a new window.

In Bloglines, I have feeds categorised into folders. The web interface has two panes, the left-hand pane listing the folders and the right-hand pane their contents. Annoyingly, every folder I click on uses Javascript to update the right-hand pane.

Consider the scenario where I'm using a dial-up connection to browse. What I like to do is load each folder in a new window and then go offline and read the lot. The only way to do this in bloglines is to open seven windows at the start and then navigate to each folder. It would be so much easier to open one window and then right click -> Open in New Window.


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